
Gentil-Fernandes, Leonardo and Jacob Otto. “Corrupting the Battlefield: How Corruption Influences Belligerents’ Battlefield Performance. International Interactions. [paper]

Gentil-Fernandes, Leonardo, Kelly Morrison, and Jacob Otto. 2023. “Buying Survival: Coup Risk, International Accountability, and Mercenary Use.” Security Studies 33(2): 165-193. [paper] [replication files]

Gentil-Fernandes, Leonardo, João V. Guedes-Neto and José Incio. 2022. “From Drug Lords to Police State: The Effects of Order Transition on Local Economies.” Comparative Political Studies. [paper] [replication]


Work in Progress

Climate Governance by Rebel Groups, with Elisabeth Gilmore, Reyko Huang, Danielle Jung, Cyanne E. Loyle, and Kathleen Cunningham (Cambridge Element, Under Contract)

“Climate Governance by Non-State Actors: A Research Agenda,” with Elisabeth Gilmore, Reyko Huang, Danielle Jung, Cyanne E. Loyle, and Kathleen Cunningham

“Creating Rebels: An Agent-Based Model of Rebel Group Formation”

“A Generative Model of Grid-Cell Level Violence: Projecting Latent Actor-Enmity Networks Across Space (PLAENS),” with Michael Colaresi, Kevin Greene, and Daniel Gustafson

“Economic Determinants of Support for Repressed Social Movements,” with Kelly Morrison